Interested in Supporting Too Much Information??!

TMI is an all-volunteer run cultural infrastructure project that needs your support to continue it's growth.

All donations are split between supporting future TMI events and the PRoblem Children scholarship fund.

Financial Support

A monetary donation to our parent organization, Problem Library, is a fully tax-deductible way to show your support for TMI and Problem Children.

One-time donations are fantastic, and monthly donations are best.

Financial donations are made directly to Problem Library and can be done using our donorbox here:

Material Support

Become a material supporter by offering to provide food, beverages, or opting to take care of logistical needs such as:

  • Providing a stipend to youth-volunteers and presenters
  • Fronting costs for merchandise which means we can use 100% of merchandise profits toward future events and Problem Children scholarships
  • Printing and production costs for event materials

email to get involved as a material supporter

Event Ambassador

A super easy way to support TMI is by posting about our upcoming event and sharing it with your networks.

Below we have created a few options for you to choose from and included language you can use - but feel free to adjust as makes sense for your voice and what you think is most important. **Please do not edit logistical details!


We would like to thank the organizations who have agreed to be sponsors, supporters, and advocates for TMI.

Problem Library | SF Department of Unbuilt Works | Western Neighborhoods Project | Cunning Folk | DAMN Fine Pizza

TMI site menu:

About TMI | Supporting TMI