Thank you for joining us at the First Ever TMI!

Saturday October 14 & Sunday October 15th 2023
hosted at Problem Library 1288 15th Ave, San Francisco, CA

Too Much Information (TMI) was a two-day event that brought together Bay Area creatives from all stages of life and artistic development to learn from and share with each other.

The first TMI took place on Saturday October 14 and Sunday October 15 2023, and consisted of conversations, presentations, screenings, and social time aimed at nurturing a more robust, thoughtful, and healthy creative community.

TMI honors creative spirits at all stages by highlighting the reality that we are all becoming. TMI is a space where everyone who enters is a student and a teacher.

TMI believes that in a time of bountiful information, we need new local (physical) spaces where collaborations and connections can be seeded and nurtured. This must be built through common vision and life purpose. TMI is a chance to share from the heart and find allies.

TMI trusts that the way to create new knowledge, develop wisdom, and expand our potential is through inter-generational relationships built on mutual support, encouragement, and daring. This behavior is a practice we need to relearn on a cultural level. TMI is an arena for that practice.

TMI is an evolution of Problem Children - growing beyond a summer program and into educational settings for people of all ages. TMI is an assertion that any person, no matter their age, who strives to live creatively, honestly, and beautifully is a problem child.

The theme for TMI #001 is "the artists journey".

This journey is a never ending cycle of curiosity that leads to creation (and back to curiosity) and is a relevant point of reflection regardless of where someone is in their development as an artist, citizen, or person.

Going further, the theme will focus on: listening to our inner muse, working from the heart, and striving to do the work we were put on earth to do. How do we move toward doing the work the world needs us to do?

Image Description: Old Computer Enveloped by Greenery


